Tuesday, June 21, 2005

stardust stardom - the connection

Tapping my left foot on the marble-like floors at Stardust,
Juggling a tennis ball out of boredom (out of the blue) after playing a doubles match,
Containing rapid flashbacks of my late adolescence while the broken speaker announces the second coming of Jesus, my heart is pounding 28 times faster than normal and I know I'm not THAT old (yet).

Seamlessly reading books of the departed souls of the underwater library///the lost city had a magnificiently well kept collection of ancient scrolls, testimonies of futuristic bums, poets, visionaries and dreamers, and furthermore there lies the secret of the plan, design and execution of the machine - THE TIME CAPSULE OF REZ. Implementation could take 3 years and change.

Inconspicuous and unobtrusive, yet mysterious and strange. Needless to say that heroes and ghosts have something in common - they will all be oblivious to us through history - IN TIME.

A stream of thought about science and possibly considering faith,
A big apple and a big head or shall I reply to myself - a big EGO,
A beehive of lies reassuring me and my fellow citizens about the dirt in the streets, the voices of crooked politicians and the rambling stupidity of senators in a useless system of pseudo democracy-dictatorship all in one

The news is - be aware and question your surrounding. The future is not really a matter of tomorrow but the day after the day after the day after tomorrow. It might be subjective - might be a waste of time in itself to stop and think about the future, unless there's a catch....what a bloody run-on sentence I just wrote.

Walk again.
Run wild.
Only to learn how to crawl back into your cave - crawl back like a slave.
You and only you - you gotta save.
The corner of my eye lets me know it's cool - you, me, you, me, them and every living thing in this planet and the galaxies yet to be discovered.

Light speed.
Novelty seed.
Got a kid to feed.
Rest about now sounds good, homie homefry.


Blogger double d said...


the connection is made...


11:55 PM  
Blogger mario* said...

escuche un rumor... los chunkettes se reunen para grabar en miami!

4:06 PM  

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